Henry kept swallowing saliva as sweat ran down his cheeks. He had to increase the air condition. What was he to do? The question kept on playing in his mind.
First Lady: “The ball is in your court. See it as your route out of poverty. I’m sure you’ve been praying for God to send his blessings,” she paused and drew closer.
Henry: “Would she just stop talking please!” he whispered to himself, he ground the teeth.
Her presence was suffocating him,
“I wish I can disappear right away, “he added.
The blaring of her phone stole her attention- the joy it brought to his heart was boundless.
First Lady: “Yes, Cha-Cha,baby! Where are you? Oh, that’s nice. We are on our way.”
They had a conference for all the local governments’ first ladies of the federation.
“Was I too straight forward? Would he succumb?” she looked at him biting her fingers; he could feel her stare claw at him.
On the very day he had come for the job interview she had fallen for him. Throughout the interview she was staring at him lustfully the presence of her husband didn’t deter her from throwing her flirtatious gaze at him.
Henry: “Good morning, sir, ma!” he greeted the chairman and his wife.
Chairman who was having breakfast of fruits juice and cake glanced at him as he entered.
Chairman: “How are you?” he stopped munching and looked at Henry who stood as if he were standing on a time bomb,
First lady: “Henry right?” chairman turned to his wife and asked,
Chairman: “who is he?”
First lady: “the guy I told you about, “he still looked confused, “the guy my hair dresser recommended to me for the position of a driver!”
Chairman: “Oh I see, welcome!” he bite the cake in his hands munching noisily,
Henry: “Thank you,sir!”
First Lady: “Have your seat!” she looked into his eyes he dropped his and sat.
Chairman: “So, ehm, do you have any experience? I mean driving experience?”
Henry had lived with his uncle during his IT in Minna. That was where he learnt how to drive. It didn’t take him a week to learn. And during his youth service he had a part time job with an agro company where he helped distribute animal feed to customers with a van. That enhanced his driving skill.
The First Lady and Chairman seemed very impressed. The Chairman had an urgent call and he left his wife to continue the interview and instead of the formal interview she asked him personal questions. He was bothered about that since he had the assurance of getting the job.
Shola: “How did the interview go?” she served him with a plate of fried plantain and rice,
Henry: “Great!” he took the spoon and started a ferocious attack on the food.
Shola: “Wow! I’m so happy for you, baby!” she leaned her head on his shoulders.
Henry: “But she was always staring at me and asked me a lot of personal questions!”
Shola giggled,
Shola: “That’s how she is oo! She is just too kind hearted!”
Henry looked at her,
Henry: “You think so?”
Shola: “Ehen na. Do you suspect she is into you?”
Henry twitched his mouth sighed and replied,
Henry: “No, nothing,” he shrugged.
He laid in the car listening to music blasting from the speakers of the stereo. He had the windows wound up and the air condition on. It was a dance hall music and he shook his head to the rhythm as his mind traveled to many places.
Shola barged in holding a pistol, First Lady hid behind Henry who was pleading with his girl friend,
while Henry fidgeting on the bed,
Henry: “Baby, please drop the gun down. It isn’t what you think!”
Shola who had tears trickling down her eyes was determined to pull the trigger,
Shola: “So, this is the conference you guys said you were bringing her to right?”
First Lady: “Please, I’ll pay you any amount! Just drop down the gun!”
Shola: “shut up! Shut up you shameless whore! You claimed you were helping me by giving my man a job and not knowing you were screwing him behind my back and you, Henry after I gave you my heart, money and everything you still had the guts to cheat on me!”
Henry: “Baby. I swear it was her idea. I didn’t want to do it! You know I love you too…”
Shola: “…just shut up! Before I blow your brains out! Love my foot!”
First lady: “Please, Shola this shouldn’t end like this. We could find a way out of this mess, please! Just name your price! I’ll give you everything!”
Shola nodded as tears kept rolling down,
Shola: “You think money can solve all problems right? Because you are rich, you feel you own the world right?”
First Lady shook her head still pleading while Henry was in tears. Shola pulled the trigger at First Lady and her brains splashed on the ground,
Henry: “Hah! Shola! You just killed her! Ooooh my God!” he curled up to a corner sweating profusely.
Shola standing over the dead body crying,
Shola: “Go to hell where you belong and tell the devil that I am saying hi. You could use the money you ought to give to bribe your way out of torture!” she heehawed.
Henry stared at her but it wasn’t his innocent and gentle Shola; he saw a monster with the eyes of a viper ready to strike.
Henry: “Oh my God, help me! Help me! I’m so sorry!”
Shola flung her eyes at him,
Shola: “And you!” she pointed the gun at him, “come here!” he crawled to where she was standing as strands of sweat ran down his fore head to every part of the body- he was gasping,
“Open your mouth!” he did as she had the gun in his mouth before he could say a word his brains were spluttered on the ground too.
“Drop your gun!” Police officers rammed into the room.
She turned looked at them, smiled and pulled the trigger on herself.
Henry woke up sweating,
Henry: “Oh,oh thank God. It was just a dream!” he was panting.
After few seconds a text came in, it was a message from the First Lady,:
We aren’t going home today. I have booked for separate rooms. We are having a party tonight meaning we would finish very late. Smiles.
He looked at his phone again and read the message a countless times. Was it a dream too? He thought.
STORY: Henry Captain Nigeria - Hilarious. +18
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