God felt the absent of Adam's integrity and faithfulness, hence he called; Where art thou? (Genesis 3:9).
When it comes to creating and establishing a personal relationship with God you have to be committed to the relationship and have an understanding of what God wants and how He wants it. If you are having a personal relationship with God you need to have this qualities in you.
1. Patients
2. Gentleness
3. Meekness
4. Faithfulness
5. Longsuffeeing .
These qualities will make you understand what God wants to do, when he wants to do what he wants to do and how he wants to do it.
In every relationship both parties are to keep their own side of the agreement and maintain the relationship so as to make it an everlasting relationship.
It was when Adam told God that they were naked that was when God was fully convinced that Adam has broken the covenant that binds them together. Because Adam was never made to know that he was naked that was one of the token of his sincerity to God. For him to know that he was naked made God to know that somebody has hacked and bridged the gap that was why God asked him
.........Who told thee that thou was naked? (Grnesis 3:11)
When one of the parties is starts asking an unwanted questions and doing the don't of the relationship it means he or she has a doubt or has doubted the relationship.
Adam accepted the ideology of the devil which was contrary to God's will that was where he doubted God and followed the ideology of the devil, hence he knew that he was naked.
PATIENTS: This is one of the qualities of creating and establishing a God relationship with God. Without this quality you cannot walk with God because he sees and knows more than you. You may needs something as a results of human pressure or what you see around you which will prompt you to go for it. But the all seeing God will decide to keep it from you because of the negative impact it will cause you now. Not that he will not give you but you have to wait for the appropriate time. The timing of God is different from the timing of man. Maybe there was a serious time God has also arranged for Adam to eat the fruit which will make them living forever. The devil knew this that was why he went ahead to destroyed God's arrangement with Adam (Genesis 3:7). Truthful when they were to eat it their eyes would open and they will be like God but there was a timing for that. What the devil did was to make them eat it before the set time.
8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Without patients no man can walk with God, because his was are mysterious but you must believe that he will do all that he has promise (Hebrew 10:23,36)
A lot of people in the bible who became impatient made a lot of mistakes which now become a generational problem. Sarah the wife of Abraham due to impatient compared her husband to sleep with her servant girl which now led to the birth of Ishmael. At the end it turns into a war among both children because the promise was on Sarah who was a legitimate wife of Abraham and her offspring not (Genesis 16:1-16). Saul also displayed the act of impatience when he acted against the will of samuel in 1 Samuel 13:8-10.
Gentleness: This is another quality that you need to have in order for you to establish a good and a perfect relationship with God. God is a gentle God with compassion and anyone that must walk with him must be gentle. Being gentle is not laziness or weakness but it is an inner most expression of God's desire. So, every true child of God must be gentle in character.
Meekness: This is another quality that every child of God must possess in order to have a good and personal relationship with God. If you consider every man or woman that has ever walk with God, they have this quality of Meekness in them. It is a fact that boast up your relationship with God.
What does it mean to be meek? It means to be quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive.
So for one to walk with God such a person must be submissive, and quiet. Even the bible says that moses was the most meekest man on earth (Number 12:3) when it comes to the things of God. He is so obedient to the things of God and he is easily imposed on by God. If you can add this quality to your life you are bound to succeed when you walk with God.
Faithfulness: this quality is very very important in every relationship in this world, whether among humans or with God it is needful.
Faithfulness is the act of being faithful, and to be faithful means reliable and constant and loyal and steadfast.
This was what Adam lack that made him to eat the fruit. Had which he was faithful in the midst of that trial he would have been able to scale through not minding what was said to him and who said it. So long it was not from God he should have neglected it but instead he listened to his wife even as the wife was not also faithful to him. Had which they kept. the word of God and held unto it, the devil would have eaten his own words. In this world trails and temptations comes to every true child of God like Adam had but God expects every of his children to be faithful to him. Not wavering because of what he or she sees or hear from a third party.
Longsuffering: This is one of the most difficult quality that a lot of people will not accept or wants to accept because it comes with pain and shame. One thing I wants to say her is that a lot of people think that the moment you give your life to christ and you are now a child of God they think that all suffering and pains are over. Sorry for that disappointment if you thought it so. The truth of the matter is that when you give your life to christ that is the beginning of suffering and pains because you have drew a battle between you (kingdom of God) and the kingdom of darkness. Your activities in this world will not be like those who have given their lives to the devil and accepted the things of this world. (John 12:19)
When you give your life to christ you have a peace of mind even in the midst of the pain and suffering you are at peace. The suffering will comes as a result of your lifestyle (life of God) which is contrary to the one of the world and you will not be welcome because of your faith. What others get freely as a result of sinful act you will not partake in it. The suffering becomes much as a a result of persecution from enemies of God due to your faithfulness to God. Temptation and trails must come to test your faith. But I urge you to stand firm because greater is he that is in your than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4)
This suffering can only be conquer through patience and endurance. It must surely come but God expect you to be be strong and steadfast because their is joy and glory at the end of every suffering. Don't give up!!!
Think of the glory that will come after the suffering. Your helpers is coming just be patient and endure till the end. God is with you. TO BE CONTINUE........
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