The death of the only begotten son of God brought man to God, yet man is still committing sin. He did not die like every common man, but slain like a lamb. And his blood was and is the refiner that refined man. In all these, there are still wickedness, adultery, idolatry, fornication, and hatred, pride, greediness, malice and so on.
And the Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh.............. (Genesis 6:3)
17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil......... (John 3:17-20)
The blood that came from His stripes qualified man as a son of God. His blood gave man the confidence to stand before God. Whenever a God looks at man he doesn't see the sins he committed but the blood of his son which takes away the sins on the cross of calvary.
Today whenever we come before the presence of God we don't feel guilty any more, we don't stand condemned any more due to what Jesus christ has done for us all. He died for the world but it was with a purpose of choice for man either to believe it or not
When God created the man he gave man the freedom of choice to do whatever he chooses. He never wanted to dictate to man and he never dictated in what man does. He gave man the freedom to worship, associate, and communicate. When the son of God came to die for the redemption of mankind he also kept His father's will (freedom of choice) hence he said
18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
When the son gave out the choice to mankind that is, either to believe or not he also gave them the condition that is attached to each of the choices.
To those who accepted and believe in the only begotten son of God will be save and never to be condemn. They will feel and dwell in the light of ths only begotten son of God.
Every believer carries the light and fullness of God. The moment you believed on the redemptive work of the son of God, you begins to have a personal relationship with God which was one of the thing God love so much. He and the heavenly bodies will dwell in you and fellowship in you. You will become the carrier of God, the embodiment of His life.
This is different from being recognized by a particular denomination, it is different from how consistent you are in church activities and how close you are to your pastor. This is having a personal relationship with God.
When God created Adam the first thing he did was to create a relationship between him and Adam and created an enabling environment to enable Adam to feel comfortable with him that was the reason he was always visiting Adam at a particular time of the day.
8And they heard the voice of the LORDGod walking in the garden in the cool of the day...............(Genesis 3:8)
The time of the day God visited Adam we all know that is a time that is used to visited someone you have a mutual relationship with, a time when one has finished all day to day activities. It is a time of rest, a time of retirement from works to relaxation.
God was always coming to relax with Adam after all His works because His heart was with Adam. Even when in heaven Heaven he thinks and remembered Adam.
Adam also understands and knows when God was also visiting him and he knows His footsteps and he knows His smell that was the reason he quickly recognized that it was God that was moving in the garden. They have a meeting time, and place even within the garden of Eden where they normally relaxed. So when God came and saw that Adam was not there at the place and at the time he normally does He knew that something is wrong.
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